Kate Armstrong

Independent Director


About Kate

Kate joined Suncorp’s New Zealand Boards (Vero Insurance New Zealand Limited and Vero Liability Insurance Limited) in May 2020 and has been the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee since July 2022. Kate also sat on the Board of Asteron Life Limited until its successful sale by Suncorp in January 2025. 

Kate's background is in law and finance, working mainly in institutional and corporate banking, in New Zealand and overseas.  On returning to New Zealand, she held senior positions in both Westpac Bank, BT Funds Management and Westpac Life, and led Westpac's Life's response to the Conduct and Culture review in New Zealand. 

Kate serves on the Board of TSB Bank Limited and chairs its Risk Committee. She is an Independent Director of Salt Funds Management Limited where she chairs the Compliance Committee, and whe is also a Director and Trustee of the New Zealand Housing Foundation and chaired its Audit and Risk Committee for five years.